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Mental Health Links
The following links provide information on topics related to mental health.
Always consider alternative or holistic tools for natural whole life balance.
Ask me for help if needed. 800-919-2392

Addiction and Recovery

30 Day Rehab Programs
Addiction Guide 
Addiction Help
Addiction in Older Adults 
Addiction Helper
Addiction Rehab Centers 
A Pain Pill Among Friends
Alcohol Help
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous Recovery Resources
Alcohol Rehab & Recovery
Alcohol Treatment 
Alcohol Abuse in College Students
All Treatment California Rehab Centers 
Am I An Alcoholic—Self-Quiz
American Addiction Centers
Being a Child of An Addicted Parent
Binge Drinking
California Treatment Options 
Cell Phone Addiction
Center for On-Line Addiction
Choosing The Right Rehab
Community Outreach Addiction Center
Co-Occurring (Dual) Disorders
Depression and Rehab—Before, During, After 
Detox Centers in California—Top 7
Detox Programs & Drug Rehab
Diablo Valley Drug & Alcohol Services
Drug Addiction Facts
Drug Dangers
Drug Recall / Product Recall
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers
Drug/Alcohol Rehab Resources
Drug Rehab Connections
Drug Rehab Guide
Effects of Illegal Drugs on the Heart 
Fentanyl—A Parent's Guide
Fentanyl Detox and Treatment
Find a Rehab Center
Guide to Heroin Addiction
Guide to Heroin Rehab 
How Addiction Affects the Brain 
Home Accessibility for Disabled People in Recovery
Informed Decisions About Treatment
Is It Possible To Tell If Your Child Will Become An Addict?
Is Your Home An Accomplice For A Rebellious Teen?
Local Inpatient Rehab Center Locator
Making Friends in Recovery
Mental Health & Addiction
Opioid Help
Rebuild Finances After Rehab
Rehab Costs
Resource Guide
Stop Enabling an Addicted Loved One
Substance Abuse and Addiction
The Recovery Village  
Top Rehab Centers in California 
Treatment and Recovery 
Ways To Avoid Substances To Deal With Grief
Web of Addictions

Addiction Therapy
Addiction Therapy and How It Works 
A Mindful Approach to Alcohol Cravings
5 Ways a Fitness Tracker Can Help Beat Addictive Behaviors
Free Addiction Treatment Resources
How Many Vices Should You Quit At Once? 
How To Help An Addicted Child
Meditation and Alcohol
Promoting Mental Health at Home
Running Could Be The Answer to Beating Addiction
The Role of the Counselor in Addiction Recovery 
Types of Addiction Treatment Programs

Alzheimers & Dementia
8 Things To Do When You First Learn Your Loved One Has Alzheimer's Brain Tour Including Guidance On Alzheimer's and Dementia  
Assisted Living Facilities & Senior Care Information
Caregiver Dos and Don'ts: Dealing With Dementia Behavior Problems 
Driving and Dementia: Guide for Seniors  
Find Memory Care Options Near You
First Aid For Those With Alzheimer's
How to Make a Home Safer for a Loved One with Alzheimer’s or Dementia  
Memory Care In California
Music Therapy For Those With Alzheimer's  
Ten Real Life Strategies for Dementia Caregiving
The Caregiver's Guide To Understanding Dementia Behaviors 
Tips for Alzheimer's Caregivers at HelpGuide 
What You Should Know About Alzheimers 
What You Should Know About Dementia

Anxiety Disorders
Answers to Your Questions About Panic Disorder
Anxiety Disorders Research at the National Institute of Mental Health 
Dental Phobia
National Center for PTSD
Obsessive Compulsive Information Center

Associations & Institutes
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP)
American Psychiatric Association
American Psychological Association
American Psychological Society
Canadian Mental Health Association
Center for Mental Health Services
National Institute of Mental Health
National Mental Health Association
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Attention Deficit Disorder
3 At Home Safety Issues for Children With ADHD
5 Ways To Support Siblings in Special Needs Families Autism
9 Indoor Activities for Hyperactive Kids
9 Tips To Tame Tantrums in Kids With ADHD
30 Ways to Celebrate Autism Awareness Month
Accommodations for Students With Autism
ADDA - Attention Deficit Disorder Association
ADHD What Parents Need To Know
Activities for Children With ADHD
Autism and Travel
Autism Resource Center
Autism Support Network Resources
Balancing Homework & After School Activities for Your ADHD Child
Best Sports Activities for ADHD
Backyard Sanctuary for Kids With Disabilities
Born to Explore: The Other Side of Attention Deficit Disorder
Behavioral Treatment for ADHD
Creating An Autism Friendly Home
Guide To Better Sleep For Kids With Autism
How To Keep Kids Safe When They're At Home Alone
Finding A BabySitter for Your Special Needs Child
Outdoor Activities for Hyperactive Kids
Planning A Move With Autism
Recipes For Better Focus and Self-Control
Safe Space in Your Home for Sensory Overload
School Success Kits for Kids With ADHD
Smart Discipline Tips for Hyperactive Children

Bullying—Guide To Understanding

Child Abuse and Domestic Violence
Childhelp USA®
Children and Families
Protection & Advocacy
Questions and Answers about Memories of Childhood Abuse
The National Domestic Violence Hotline Website
Women, Violence and Trauma

Cerebral Palsy Guide 
Protecting Children From Online Drug Dealers
Tackling Childhood Obesity
Talking To Children About Cancer 
Teaching Your Child CPR Could Save Your Life

Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Bipolar Disorder, Pendulum
Depression and How Therapy Can Help
Depression Screening
Depression Test, Symptoms of Depression, Signs of Depression

Developmental Disorders
Asperger's Disorder
Pervasive Developmental Disorders

DSM-IV Diagnoses and Criteria
DSM-IV Made Easy

Accessibility Home Checklist
Accessible Decks
Developing Your Blind Child's Sleeping Schedule
Disability Accommodation Guide 
Exercising With Limited Mobility
Grants for Disabled  
Guide To Vehicle Modification
Healthy Eating For Wheelchair-Bound
How To Remodel for Accessibility 
Home Accessibility for Disabled 
Living With Cerebral Palsy
Special Needs Grants

Dissociative Disorders
Sidran Foundation Home Page

Eating Disorders
American Dietetic Association
A Nurse's Guide to Eating Disorders
Something Fishy

Home & Living Considerations  
Cleaner Indoor Air & Chemical Sensitivities Campaign
Create a Space That Promotes Healing & Mindfulness 
Filtering Sensory Processing Issues At Home 
Finding Credible Medical Information and Advice 
Homeless Shelters Near Me
Home Modifications for Disabilities
Low Vision Internet Access 
Moving for Seniors and People with Disabilities 
Renters’ Rights for Tenants with Disabilities
Special Needs Safety Near Construction Sites

Elder Abuse
Complete Guide to Recognizing Elder Abuse
Nursing Home Abuse Center
Nursing Home Abuse Justice

Journals & Magazines
ADHD Report
Anxiety, Stress and Coping
Contemporary Hypnosis
Depression and Anxiety
Drug and Alcohol Review
Early Child Development and Care
Eating Disorders
Educational Assessment
Illness, Crisis & Loss
Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
Journal of Gambling Studies
Journal of Happiness Studies
Journal of Mental Health and Aging
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Language and Cognitive Processes
Loss, Grief & Care
Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
Metaphor and Symbol
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
Personal Relationships
Personality and Individual Differences
Psychiatric Bulletin
Psychology of Men & Masculinity
Psychology Today
ReVision: A Journal of Consciousness and Transformation
Stress and Health
Studies in Gender and Sexuality
Substance Abuse
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior
Trauma, Violence & Abuse

Cerebral Palsy and LGBT
LGBTQ College Guide
Nurses Guide to Caring for LGBTQ Patients 
Substance Abuse: Supporting the LGBTQ Community & Youth 
Substance Abuse: LGBTQ Resources 
Why Substance Abuse is worse in the LGBTQ Community

Medical Malpractice

Drug Dangers
Drug Interactions, Alternative, MotherNature
Drug Interactions, DIRECT
Medical Dictionary
Medications, FDA
Medications, PDR
Medicine, Comparison
Psychiatry and Psychology
Rx Dangers

How To Improve Your Memory

Mental Health
American Psychological Association 
Are All-Nighters Bad For Your Health? 
All-Nighters—Minimizing the Impact
Coming Out About Mental Illness 
Comprehensive Overview of Mental Health Disorders 
Depression vs. Sadness
Getting Over Grief: Understanding Its Stages
Internet Mental Health
Let’s Talk Facts, APA
Fast Facts About Mental Illness
First Aid for Attempted Suicide 
Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
Mental Health Disorders—Overview & Resources
Mental Health InfoSource
Mental Help Net
Mental Health Resources,
Mental Health Resources for Students
Mental Health Resource Guide
Mental Health Self-Test
Mental Illnesses/Disorders
Mental Health vs Autism
Music Helps With Mental Health (How)
Outdoor Accessible Activities Guide 
Plant Keeping and Mental Health 
Psychology of Sleep
Self-Help & Psychology Magazine
Supporting Someone With Mental Health Challenges 
Types of Mental Health Disorders
University of Michigan Health Topics A to Z 
Vision's Impact on Emotional Well-Being
Web Sites You Can Trust, Medical Library Association

Organic Meals Delivered

Parenting Resources 
Addiction & Mental Health Resources for Parents
Choosing A Preschool
Drug Abuse & Parenting
Helping First-Born Adjust To New Siblings
Helping Homesick Children Cope
Helping Children Adjust To High School
How To Disinfect Toys
How To Tell If Your Child Has A Substance Abuse Issue 
Parent's Guide To First Aid
Preventing Parent Burn Out
Raising a Bi-Lingual Child
Safety Tips for Second Hand Toys 
Single Mothers—Grants
Single Parenting After Losing A Partner to Suicide
Single Parent Savings Guide

Personality Disorders
Mental Help Net - Personality Disorders
Personality Disorders


55+ Communities
About Assisted Living 
Assisted Living for Seniors—How To Find
Anxiety in Seniors
Assisted Living Facilities & Senior Care Information 
Assisted Living Near Me
Better Communication with Seniors—7 Tips
Coronavirus' Economic Impact on Older Workers
COVID Resources for Seniors 
Dependency and Addiction Among Seniors 
Disaster Planning for Seniors
Entertainment Resources for Seniors
Exercises for Seniors & Boomers
Exercises for Seniors & Boomers  
Financial Assistance for Seniors Buying Hearing Aids
Financial Assistance for Senior Living
Financial Aid for Long Term Elder Care
Financial Literacy For Older Adults
Grants For Seniors 
Guide To Remote Health Care Options For Seniors
Handling Financial Hardship
Helping Seniors Overcome Substance Use Disorders 
How To Improve Memory
In Home Care in California
Legal Guide for Seniors 
Medicare—Guide to Eligibility and Coverage 
Memory Care—When To Consider
Mental Health Resource for Seniors 
Mesothelioma in Seniors
Mobile Phone Plans and Device Security for Seniors
Paying For Senior Care 
Reduce Stress for Senior Caregivers
Retirement Insecurity in Times of COVID
Senior Housing
Senior Isolation 
Senior Living Options
Senior Nutrition Guide
Senior Wellness Guide—Healthy Aging 
What Is Medicare?

Seniors—Fall Prevention
Fall Prevention
Fall Prevention & Mobility
Fall Prevention Resources & Benefits
Home Modifications to Prevent Falls
How To Safely Pick Up a Senior After a Fall
How To Talk About End of Life Planning
Regain Confidence After A Fall
Safety for Seniors
Selling a Home With Modifications

Single Parenting Resources
Single Parent's Guide to Buying a Home
What Should We Tell the Children?
A Teen Guide to Divorce
Breaking the ‘D’ News to Friends and Family
Single Father’s Guide to Addiction Recovery
How to Get Through a Divorce Financially
Talking to Your Kids About Losing Your Home
Child Support Handbook: Collecting Support

Advancing Better Sleep
The Impact of Sleep on the Body
Mental Health & Sleep
Anxiety & Sleep
Addiction & Sleep
Stages of Sleep
How Technology Impacts Sleep
PTSD and Sleep
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Deprivation Effects
Sleep Deprivation—Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Smoke Free
Indian Health Services

Special Needs Children—Resources for Parents
ADHD and Depression: Risks 
Autism Spectrum Disorder—Planning a Sensory-Friendly Theme Park Trip 
Autism—Innovative Library Programs
Create And Autism-Friendly Environment
Create The Optimal Environment for Children With ADHD 
Create The Perfect Sensory Room For Your Child 
Dealing With Sensory Issues
Erb's Palsy Support Resources 
Importance of Self-Esteem
Parenting Tips for ADHD
Photophobia & Light Sensitivity in Children 
Sensory Processing Resource Hub
Signs of Depression in Teens With ADHD
STEM Resources
Teaching The Person With Autism How To Drive
Understanding Dyslexia

Special Needs
Renters Rights for People With Disabilities
Managing your Child's Transition to Adulthood
Home Modifications for Young Adults with Special Needs
How Disability-Friendly is Your City
9 Most Hazardous Chemicals for People with Special Needs
Top 3 Challenges to Finding a Babysitter For Your Special Needs Child
Vocational Training for Special Needs Individuals

Student Caregivers
Scholarships for Student Caregivers Scholarships

Alcoholism & College Students
Creating a Resumé
High School Resumé Examples

Suicide Awareness and Hotlines
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education
Suicide, Now is Not Forever
Suicide Prevention, Getting Help
Suicide Prevention Information
Suicide: Read This First

Addiction Resources for Teens
Binge Drinking 
Defend Yourself Against Peer Pressure 
Guide To Mental Health For Teens   
How To Talk To Teens About Alcohol
Scholarship Search Platforms 
Signs of Drug Use in Teens 
Teen Depression: Risk Factors & Warning Signs 
Teen Addiction Resources 
Teen Drug Abuse & Addiction

Addiction & Mental Health Resources for Veterans
Affordable Legal Advice for Veterans
ASVAB Resources
Best Military & Veteran Discounts
Best Jobs for Returning Service members
Coalition for Homeless Vets
Community & Support for Homeless Vets
Financial Assistance for Homeless Vets
Free Grants for Veterans
Homeless Vet's Guide to Finding a New Home
Homeless Vet's Guide 
How To Pass Precious Metals To Your Heirs
Mesothelioma Resources
Planning for Life after Discharge
PTSD & Substance Abuse in Veterans
Find a PTSD Therapist
Memory Care for Veterans
PTSD & Sleep 
Small Business Guide for Veterans 
Talking to Children About Your Cancer Diagnosis
Transition to Civilian Life
Surviving Spouses Resources
US Department of Veteran Affairs Crisis Hotline
Veteran's Guide to Creating a Peaceful Home

Free Grants for Women

Additional Resources

Adulting 101: Millennial Life Skills
Anxiety in Academics
Beauty and the Beast Inside 
Becoming A Counselor
Grants For Low Income
Grants for Native Americans 
Health Insurance When You're Unemployed
Healthy Heart & Mind
InfoQuit Smoking 
Internet Safety Guide
Keirsey (Myers-Briggs) Temperament Sorter
Best Medical Alert Systems for 2020 
Medicaid—How to Qualify and Apply
Mesothelioma Guide 
Mesothelioma Information 
Mesothelioma Support
Mid-Life Career Change Natural Health Supplements Guide
Online Masters in Counseling Programs
Online Therapy—Reviews
Online Nursing Programs
Online Nursing School Guide to Success
Psychology Education Resource Guide
Signs of Menopause, Symptoms of Menopause
Single Mothers' Grants 
Social Security Disability Benefit Guide 
Social Security Disability Benefits Calculator 
Understanding Eating Disorders
Student Loan Stress 
Suicide Prevention Guide 
Top Mental Health Challenges Facing Students 
Tutoring Services for Students with Disabilities 

In Support of Those Struggling With Addiction

Addiction Resource
Rehab Family Resources
Healthy Relationships and Recovery 
Vaping 101 
Symptoms of Alcohol Use Disorder 
Bipolar and Addiction 
Stopping Opioid Use In Adult Children 
PTSD and Substance Abuse in Veterans 
A Counseling Guide for the LGBTQ Community 
The Ninth Step Guide: Making Amends 
Enabling 101 
Teen Alcohol and Drug Use 
Help a Teen Handle the Emotional Challenges of Moving 
How To Forgive An Addict

Note: Not responsible for the content, claims or representations of the listed sites .

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